At the end of the day, strategic account management should be all about responsiveness, problem-solving, customer satisfaction, and building long-term relationships that lead to additional revenue. To turn buyers into business partners, a key account manager (KAM) typically provides dedicated resources, unique offers, and periodic meetings. Her main research interests include revenue management, services marketing and corporate reputation management. (o||a||s||c||u)}(o,c,i,s,l),a[r.webp.LOSSLESS]=h,a[r.webp.ALPHA]=h,a[r.webp.ANIMATION]=function(e,t,i,n){var r=!e.ios&&>=32,o=i.edge&&n>=18,a=!e.firefoxos&&i.firefox&&!i.webkit&&n>=65;return!! One of the first rules you learn in business analysis is the Pareto principle – the 80:20 rule. A opportunities 2. The term key account implies that a customer is strategically important to a business. 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A key account management model for such hospitals would therefore need to cover a broad range of medical and managerial stakeholders. (t=n(navigator.userAgent),r.checkSupportByUserAgent(e,t),r.checkSupportByFeatureDetection(),s.setFeature("isObjectFitBrowser","objectFit"in,s.setFeature("isMobile",,r.checkSupportByUserAgent(e,t),s.setFeature("isMobile",},isWEBPBrowserSupport:r.isWEBPBrowserSupport,isObjectFitBrowserSupport:function(){return s.getFeature("isObjectFitBrowser")},isMobile:function(){return s.getFeature("isMobile")},isImageTransformApplicable:function(e){return c(e)&&!l(e)},isValidRequest:function(e,t,i){return i&&t&&!(! new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], Developing a successful key account management (KAM) program is critical for achieving revenue and growth objectives, but given the complexity surrounding these programs, this isn’t an easy task. Key account management is the process of building long-term relationships with your company's most valuable accounts. ");if("undefined"!=typeof Element&&Element instanceof Object){if(! Vak. Available via license: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Key account management roles 12 3.1 Roles in delivering the strategy 13 3.2 Roles in working with customers 14 Within an account management framework, create the right circumstances for success: a dedicated sales process, a solid commission structure, a fine-tuned business model and a culture of listening. Content may be subject to copyright. !h||(a=o,s=d.uri,(c=new Image).onload=f.setStyle.bind(null,a,{backgroundImage:'url("'+s+'")'}),c.src=s),Object(f.setStyle)(o,d.css.container)}};function g(e,t){for(var i=0;i0},e.prototype.connect_=function(){n&&!this.connected_&&(document.addEventListener("transitionend",this.onTransitionEnd_),window.addEventListener("resize",this.refresh),s? 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");if(!arguments.length)throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present. A key account plan is essential to identify opportunities, improve client relationships, grow revenue, create value and reduce risk. Are they worth holding on to? System integrators 3. 2012/2013 ","<",">","|","\u201c",":",'"'].map(encodeURIComponent),r=new RegExp("("+n.concat(["\\. A preview of the PDF is not available. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-WCLJWQ3'); This may be because of their size, their profitability and also their future potential. (e instanceof h(e).Element))throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element". Extended team 4. 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