Doesn’t sound like poison ivy, since that grows in three leave clusters. Hi Carrie, Thanks for writing. Poison sumac has up to 13 leaflets on the compound leaf, 6 pairs and one at the end. Your email address will not be published. The Anacardiaceae includes cashew, mango, pistachio, and the “poisonous” plants so painfully familiar to North Americans. However, poison oak is found in New Jersey and in all the states to the south of Pennsylvania, and of course, plants don’t recognize borders, so it’s a fair bet that you could find poison oak in some parts of the state if you looked hard enough. Hi Tom, I have read that in Pennsylvania poison oak is not native there. Sumacs are plants from the genus Rhus that grow around the world, with over a dozen true sumac species in North America. Preschoolers: “What do we call this crazy swimming creature?”, Sumac relatives | Makulita - [...] Ask a » How do you identify Poison Sumac?Jul 17, 2011 … I often hear people referring to…. So I think you’re okay. The most prominent feature is the clusters of bright red berries that top the trees in the late summer and early fall. One of the best examples of such look-alikes is Ailanthus altissima (Tree-of-Heaven) and two native sumacs to the region, Rhus typhina (staghorn sumac) and Rhus glabra (smooth sumac). Tree of Heaven is an invasive and extremely aggressive in growth and proliferation. In fact, they are poisonous, but taste bad so few people try eating Does poison sumac have white flowers and is thorny? Poison Sumac. But you can't blame them for assuming that. May I send you a picture of the plant? and a good orange fall color. The berries are NOT edible. Tree of Heaven vs. Sumac: How can you tell the difference? Very useful and informative, thank you. The stalk of the compound leaf is reddish. Species in this family range from medium-sized trees to herbs a few inches high. Red flowers suggests staghorn sumac, not poison sumac. Poison sumac is not likely to grow in the same places as staghorn sumac. The cashew plant, Anacardium occidentale, also produces urushiol, and cashews have to be handled and processed carefully to separate the cashew nut from the fruit and remove any urushiol from the nut. Poison sumac, while it looks more like the harmless staghorn sumac than it does its poison ivy and poison oak relatives, is actually more closely related to its itchy family members. i have a bunch of trees that look like poison sumac it gets red flowers in the fall and is taking over my back yard just want to know if it is poison my yard is not wet and mostly gravel. Sharing a genus with poison sumac (Rhus vernix) has unnecessarily blackballed staghorn sumac (R. typhina) from inclusion in many landscape plans. How can I tell if it’s poison sumac growing near my roses? But can you send a photo to The house is in Athens NY in the Hudson Valley. However, like Eastwood’s good side in the movie, these same species can sooth us as we drive by on the freeway in a race to wherever. I did find one range map that shows it in the southeast corner of PA. Poison sumac has smooth leaves. To be safe, DO NOT touch a Sumac unless you see the red berry clusters like in the included picture below. Tecnu is an inexpensive OTC product found in many pharmacies that works well for urushiol (including skunk spray!). Check the leaf count. Dwarf sumac can have the same number of leaflets as poison sumac, but the leaf stalk has “wings”, as show in figure 3, in keeping with its alternate name, winged sumac. Posted by Tom of | Jun 17, 2010 | Plants, Questions and Answers, Uncategorized | 17 |. It grows in many parts of the world – in North America, Europe, Middle East and the Mediterranean. But staghorn sumac is not poisonous. Staghorn sumac is not to be confused with poison sumac. Staghorn can have much more than that. diversilobum, the relationships are not clear, which suggests that there has been significant hybridization between them over time. Trivia: Your email address will not be published. This tree is wild and in some areas of the country invasive. Whats the best thing to get rid of poison sumac? Why are These Yellow Jackets Dying in My Garage? Know what you are looking for, before foraging. As for how to get rid of them, that’s beyond my expertise. An allergy to mangoes or cashews indicates that you are likely to also have an allergy to sumac. It is pokeweed. Unlike the staghorn sumac, it has smooth, hairless stems and fruit. The leaflets of poison sumac have smooth margins; those of staghorn sumac are toothed. Most of Pennsylvania seems to be missing poison oak. When biologists use DNA sequences to figure out the relationships between the plants in the genus Toxicodendron, the relationships between Eastern poison-ivy, Toxicodendron radicans, Western poison-ivy, Toxicodendron rydbergii, Eastern poison-oak, Toxicodendron pubescens, and Western poison-oak, Toxicodendron I familiarized myself with Poison Sumac of course prior to looking for the Staghorn and Smooth Sumac. While poison sumac is related to the variety of sumac that is consumed as a … Smooth sumac occurs in open woods, brushy areas along roadsides, and fencerows. Several Great Choices The most popular sumacs for landscape use are winged, staghorn, and smooth sumac, either the native wild species or specially-bred cultivated varieties such as the golden leaf “Tiger Eye” sumac. Both Sumac and Tree of Heaven are in flower in northeast Ohio, which in fact is one of the best ways to tell them apart. Can you email photos to Poison sumac, sometimes also called thunderwood, is a type woody shrub that belongs to the same family of plants as poison ivy. Do you mean to get rid of the plants or get rid of the itching rash? The Staghorn and Smooth Sumac likes well drained hilly areas, though they are often by water - just not in standing water or soaked land. Yes, there is poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), which will definitely cause a rash that is worse than poison ivy (poison sumac is found only in swamps). Tree of Heaven Ailanthis altissima has flower clusters that cascade out and down from the center. To differentiate poison sumac from other common sumacs, count the number of leaflets. Staghorn Sumac is a native to Ohio and a great naturalizer plant. Phytolacca americana. I am the founder and main writer of Smooth sumac has smooth stems, like poison sumac. Poison sumac, while it looks more like harmless staghorn sumac than like poison-ivy and poison-oak, is actually more closely related to its three-leafed poisonous relatives. Poison Sumac is not so prevalent in the Piedmont region of NC and is even less so in the Mountains. Also known as velvet sumac due to its soft, fuzzy twigs, staghorn sumac is familiar to most people. They are closely related and both are highly variable. A staghorn sumac leaf will have at least 13 leaflets on it (usually more); a poison sumac leaf will have at most around 13 leaflets (usually fewer). Gunk hand degreaser used by mechanics may also work well. The twigs on poison sumac are smooth; those on staghorn sumac are covered in tiny hairs. And the flowers are greenish. In Missouri, staghorn sumac (introduced from states to our north and east) occurs along railroads, highways, and other open, disturbed areas. The berries, roots, inner bark, and leaves of smooth and staghorn sumac were used to make dyes of various colors. To differentiate poison sumac from other common sumacs, count the number of leaflets. Staghorn Sumac is a member of the Anacardiaceae, the Sumac or Cashew family. It is not invasive; it is more American than even apple pie. I’ve had many very severe and widespread reactions to ivy and oak, so I don’t want to take a chance removing it myself, if it is indeed sumac. Some people report a sensitivity to all sumacs, so it’s a good idea to wear gloves and long clothing if you’re going to remove them. If you could take some good pictures of the trees you think might be poison sumac, I might be able to tell you. What It Is. Could some of the small trees near the damp area be poison sumac? Someone above asked what helps get rid of the rash, and I have found that Chickweed Salve is very good for that, you can find it on amazon and it soothes/heals Sumac, Poison Oak, Ivy, Red Ant, and other Insect bites. Poison sumac typically … Poison sumac likes a very wet, swampy habitat, whereas staghorn sumac prefers dry ground. This site is really useful for identifying poison sumac, poison ivy and poison oak: It has compound leaves with 7-13 smooth-edged leaflets, as shown in figure 1. The lack of “hair” on the white fruit, or stems, and the smooth-edged leaves on poison sumac are a good way to tell the difference between Poison Sumac and Staghorn Sumac ( … However, the flowers can really help if you want to keep (Sumac… Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina), Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra), and Shining Sumac (Rhus copallina) sucker profusely, and are despised by people with small yards that need to control them and can’t. In fact, on a single plant of either species you can sometimes have smooth leaves that look ivy-like, and other leaves that look oak-like. I have an acre of property and most of it is wooded. Poison Ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are all related to the edible kind of sumac, but all look different. And it is a strange one, with big berries that turn purple. However, its berries grow in dense clustered spikes rather than the looser arrangement found in poison sumac. More Info: Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is part of the large Anacardiaceae plant family. Mature specimens have been known to attain heights of twenty feet. I live in the Northeast United States, and the area it’s growing is very warm and well watered but not swampy. Sumac is in the same family as both of those plants. Sumac’s dried, ground fruit is a common spice in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking, and the dried berries can also be … You need to be aware of this when you eat sumac for the first time. Is that a poison ivy or sumac? Required fields are marked *, 1,242,604 Spambots Blocked by Simple Comments, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Tree of Heaven is an invasive and extremely aggressive in growth and proliferation. Common Name: staghorn sumac, velvet sumac, Rhus hirta, scarlet sumac, upland sumac Family: Anacardiaceae Genus: Rhus Latin Name: Rhus typhina The staghorn sumac in some areas will grow more like a shrub than a tree. Staghorn sumac parts were used in similar medicinal remedies. Sure. I have been getting a number of images of a strange looking plant asking if it is poison sumac. Poison sumac has a thick trunk, and sturdy branches, so many people think of it as a tree. But that may be because it’s covered in poison ivy instead. Other sumacs such as staghorn sumac, Rhus typhina, are also members of the Anacardiaceae, but don’t necessarily produce urushiol. Both plants can grow together and may be difficult to tell apart. Poison sumac is only found in the eastern half of the country. It’s not clear why people are so susceptible to urushiol. You will not find poison sumac growing up on high, dry hillsides where non-poisonous ornamental kinds typically grow. Physical Characteristics Look for a 5 to 20 ft (1.5 to 6.1 m) shrub or tree. Staghorn Sumac is a native to Ohio and a great naturalizer plant. Poison ivy can grow as a vine, but poison sumac always grows as a bush or tree. The most common non-poisonous sumac, staghorn sumac, bears bright orange or red berries which grow at the ends of the stems, and they are held upright on the stems. The Natchez used the root of fragrant sumac to treat boils. However, the flowers can really help if you want to keep (Sumac). So, when poison sumac is found in an out-of-the-way location, it’s best left alone to … Poison sumac is in the same genus as Eastern poison-ivy, Western poison-ivy, Eastern poison-oak, and Western poison-oak, which means it’s closely related to them. Send your photo to, in high resolution, if possible. Poison sumac is not that common, and mostly grows in swamps. "This latter genus ialso ncludes a sumac impostor that does cause rashes, poison sumac (T. vernix). The pictures look very close. How do i get rid of the plants? We have sumac, scrub oak and weeds galore. Can you take a photo of your plant and email to me at Do I stand corrected? But the plants are probably not trying to irritate your skin. Staghorn sumac has similar leaf arrangement to poison sumac but it has fuzzy fruit and stems. Staghorn Sumac, like many of our favorite edibles, is technically classified as a weed! The fruit is fuzzy, starts green, and turns to red. The fruits are generally red. This makes it difficult to determine where one species stops and the next begins. The poison sumac plant is categorized as a deciduous shrub, but it can grow quite tall. If you Google how to remove poison ivy, you’ll get some suggestions. A quick tip: Since the irritating urushiol is an oil, cleaning any skin that was touched by the oil with a great degreaser can prevent or at least minimize a reaction. Hi Gaynell, Poison sumac does not have thorns. Poison sumac is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3b through 8b. Many people believe staghorn sumac is poisonous. Staghorn and smooth sumac have more than 13 leaflets, and the leaflets have a serrated edge. The Poison Sumac has white, green or grey colored berries. Birds had likely spread the seeds across the road. Not Poison Sumac. If there are more than 13 leaflets on a stem, it’s not poison sumac. Staghorn Sumac - Rhus typhina is an attractive wood line plant with attractive fruits. And part of the property is damp clay swamp. Also, it’s very hard to tell poison oak from poison ivy. There are 250 geniuses of Sumac which can grow anywhere from four to 35 feet in size. Also, you can count the leaves. Also, people can be allergic to sumac, just like everything else. Birds and bears eat the berries of poison sumac, poison-ivy, and poison-oak and expose themselves to the leaves with no sign of harm. What is this Jelly-like Blob Under My Dock? In this video, you will learn the difference between Staghorn Sumac and Smooth Sumac. In fact, many wildlife species will eat berries of poison sumac without contracting the same itchy rash most humans will suffer by just touching the plant! I live in Saylorsburg PA, Hi Barbara, I think you are largely correct. But staghorn sumac is not poisonous.-----We used to call what you have "red sumac". Although it shares the same name as sumac spice, the two belong to different plant genera and share very few similarities. Also, be aware the oils can get on clothes and continue to be irritating whenever touched again (such as when doing laundry). But it is NOT poison sumac. The Poison Sumac likes very damp or wet land. The stems are densely pubescent with a firm white pith. It's leaves are pinnately compound with 11 to 31 lance-shaped leaflets. The leaves on sumac are toothed and pinnately compound.Â, The bud is surrounded by the leaf scar. Â. Staghorn sumac trees are short – between five and 15 feet tall – and the branches have between 4 and 15 pairs of long, pointed leaves. It is a shrub which can grow to several metres in height. They all produce urushiol, the oil that causes such an agonizing allergic reaction. The leaves are pinnately compound but are smooth with no teeth. Mostly they involve pulling the plants out by the roots after taking precautions to make sure you don’t expose your skin to the poison ivy oil. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Staghorn and smooth sumac have more than 13 leaflets, and the leaflets have a serrated edge. Staghorn sumac has dentated leaves; in other words it has rough edges. But if you send some good photos of the leaves, I can probably tell you if it’s poison sumac. Also, where do you live? By contrast, poison sumac tends to be a solitary plant of the swamps. Despite the name, poison sumac is included with species including poison oak and poison ivy in the Toxicodendron genus. If fact, it is rich in its contributions to the environment. The fruit is white. One of the few easy ways to tell them apart for sure is that poison ivy berries are smooth, and poison oak berries are fuzzy. Poison sumac leaves have smooth edges (don’t touch to find out! ); the leaves of staghorn sumac plants … It grows to about 25 feet tall and has an irregular, open crown with a flat top. Dwarf sumac can have the same number of leaflets as poison sumac, but the leaf stalk has “wings”, as show in figure 3, in keeping with its alternate name, winged sumac. The Ojibwa took a decoction of fragrant sumac root to stop diarrhea. BUT it needs /works best to be applied to dry skin before you try to wash with soap and water, so having it on hand ahead of time and reading the directions first can be very helpful. 🙂. There is poison ivy everywhere in the woods. What time of year can I see monarchs in Mexico? I have a red stemmed vine with 5 green leaves in a cluster, has galls on it, growing and sticking around my deck. It is a shrub which can grow to several metres in height. I have pics of Giant Hogweed if you’d like them. Do We Replace Our Cells Every 7 or 10 years? In any event, they can all make you miserable, so avoid them if you can. Sumac Spice vs., The Short Answer: Poison sumac is a large shrub or small tree found in wet areas. The berries of poison sumac are white or pale green, grow at the base of the leaves and hang downward from the stems, somewhat like a cluster of grapes. Most likely they produce urushiol to fend off sap-sucking insects. This was my first impression when coming upon either Staghorn or Smooth Sumac. After all, until recently sumac, poison ivy, and poison oak were all classified under the same genus, Rhus.Then wiser minds prevailed and poison ivy and oak were moved to a different genus, Toxicodendron, which is Latin for "poison tree. Poison Sumac. Winged sumac occurs in glades, upland prairies, savannas, openings of upland forests, and open disturbed areas. The buds are small and sit above a large heart-shaped leaf scar.Â, Both plants can grow together and may be difficult to tell apart. Rhus typhina, velvet or staghorn sumac of the Anacardiaceae family, to which mango, cashews and poison ivy all belong. Staghorn sumacs like to grow together in big groups. Another key difference between staghorn sumac and poison sumac is the leaves. Don’t confuse the sumac spice with poison sumac.

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